10 Popular DevOps Tools in 2024: Git, Jenkins, Docker & More

DevOps as a methodology strives for collaboration and innovation, encouraging teams to work together seamlessly by implementing the right set of tools for efficient software development. DevOps can streamline team collaboration, leading to improved performance throughout the development process.

DevOps approach leverages several next-gen technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and Cloud computing. Several tools are involved in the DevOps process, including development, version control, configuration management, project management, disaster management, and many more. Today, we will understand these tools to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Top 10 DevOps Tools to Master in 2024

As technology evolves, mastering these tools becomes essential for staying competitive in the dynamic landscape of software delivery. Here’s a look at the top 10 DevOps tools that you should consider mastering in 2024

1. Git

Git is a valuable version control tool, particularly for DevOps, which allows keeping track of updates made in the code or the project. The tool allows DevOps experts to work seamlessly with the latest system and application versions. With Git, you can track the modifications and other aspects impacted by the project.

Git a version control devops tool

2. Docker

Docker is an open-source platform that simplifies the process of containerization and deployment of applications and dependencies efficiently. The platform enables you to pull all the necessary components in an independent container to deploy them efficiently.

Docker offers the flexibility of deploying applications in any desired environment, which enhances reliability and security. You can integrate Docker with other cloud services like AWS, GCP, and Azure Cloud on different platforms and operating systems.

Docker a containerization devops tool

3. Jenkins

DevOps methodology operates on two important components- continuous integration and delivery. Jenkins ensures streamlining the CI/CD pipeline and activities in the processes with the help of 1500 different plugins available. Jenkins enables smooth integration of CI/CD tools and services through which you can customize solutions for your users and enhance the software performance.

With Jenkins as a part of your development process, you can gain increased speed and enhanced productivity in delivering high-quality software. Jenkins can be a valuable asset for your development process as it automates the CI/CD pipelines with easy configuration and complete transparency.

Jenkins a CI/CD devops tool

4. Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source tool that simplifies the complex components of modern software development of container orchestration. With Kubernetes, you can ensure reliability and scalability in the software. The platform encourages developers to develop, test, and deploy the software or application in a self-contained, portable environment. Kubernetes provides many efficient features like libraries, source code, configuration, and an inclusive runtime environment.

Whether you are working on complex microservice architecture or monolithic applications, Kubernetes simplifies managing workloads at scale while keeping your infrastructure secure and effective.

Related Read: The Future of Kubernetes and How It’s Revolutionizing Container Orchestration

Kubernetes A Container Orchestration Devops Tool

5. Ansible

Ansible is a powerful tool designed to automate and streamline your configuration management, provisioning, and application deployment. It offers the flexibility to customize operations and workflows while integrating various technologies. You can efficiently let go of your manual configurations and repetitive administrative tasks without worrying about human errors.

Ansible offers multiple features such as version controls, regulatory compliance, function releases, and process automation with streamlined development and deployment of the application or system.

Ansible A DevOps Tool

6. Nagios

Nagios encourages businesses to proactively monitor and evaluate their systems, applications, and infrastructure. The tool offers detailed monitoring abilities and functionality, enabling real-time analysis and identification of issues, network outages, and bottlenecks. Nagios ensures timely detection and response to critical aspects, reducing latency and optimizing performance.

You can generate detailed reports on monitoring the infrastructure and every aspect of the system. Integration of other tools and platforms is easily possible in every ongoing project. The user-friendly interface allows easy performance monitoring, hardware and software checks, and easy evaluation of operational capabilities.

Nagios A Devops Monitoring Tool

7. Prometheus

When it comes to monitoring performance, Prometheus is another popular choice of monitoring system amongst the DevOps monitoring tool. Prometheus is open-source software that collects and analyzes necessary metrics to build customized dashboards for you. The personalized dashboards provide detailed insights on performance, health, and potential issues of the system.

The monitoring tool helps you gain insights into every component of the system. These crucial insights can help businesses in making informed-decision regarding the issues and bottlenecks.

Prometheus A DevOps Monitoring Tool

8. Terraform

Terraform can modify the infrastructure as an Infrastructure-as-code without manual provisioning or management. Terraform can seamlessly monitor your infrastructure needs by integrating with other tools such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, OpenStack, and many more platforms. The flexibility and ease to use ensure the infrastructure runs seamlessly and streamlines the workflows.

Terraform serves many benefits, such as third-party configuration tools, minimizing errors, and ensuring long-term project success. Optimize your workflows and achieve greater efficiency in your project through Terraform.

Terraform An Infrastructure Monitoring DevopsTool

9. ELK Stack

ELK stands for Elasticsearch, Logistic, and Kibana, and is a tool designed to manage and analyze log data in the application. The bunch of tools offered by the tool helps you identify faster and more efficiently and recognize trends to gain data on the system’s health. The user-centric interface and real-time analysis functionality help detect potential issues faster before impacting the system’s performance.

ELK stacks offer an open-source platform for logging and monitoring. It’s popular for quickly identifying problems and helping businesses maintain continuity without interruption. You can easily deal with large amounts of data and streamline the processes with ELK stack can be effective for every business dealing with data in daily processes.

ELK Stack A Log Data Management DevOps Tool

10. Grafana

Grafana is a popular data visualization tool that allows you to design and monitor customized dashboards for the collected data by ELK Stack. You can gain valuable insights and filter out the necessary information from the dashboard without any manual interventions. Whether you are managing multiple systems across different devices or just tracking the projects, Grafana enables you a competitive edge with real-time data processing and representations at your fingertips.

Grafana A Data Visualization Devops Tool

Enhance Software Quality and Reliability through DevOps Services

4 Popular DevOps Monitoring Tools for 2024

DevOps Monitoring Tools enable organizations to evaluate and gain insights into their software development and deployment processes. DevOps monitoring tools provide real-time visibility, performance metrics, and logs allowing the teams to identify issues, optimize performance, and ensure the smooth operation of the application. Below are some DevOps monitoring tools that grabbed a lot of attention in 2024;

1. Datadog

A cloud-based monitoring service that provides you with comprehensive monitoring of the system or application in real-time. Datadog allows you to identify and address possible issues before they impact the system’s performance. The advantage of a cloud-based monitoring service is that you can improve your performance, reduce latency, and have cost-efficient systems.

2. Zabbix

An open-source monitoring tool, Zabbix is a popular tool amongst DevOps experts. It offers multiple built-in capacities such as SNMP, IPMI, JMX, and more options available for the users. You can effortlessly streamline all your operations while proactively evaluating the progress of your project. Zabbix allows monitoring network performance and tracking server health metrics of your system and provides a better understanding of any potential malfunctions.

3. InfluxDB

When it comes to monitoring modern systems, InfluxDB is a great tool to handle the demands of cloud-native applications and microservices. InfluxDB has a query language that allows predefining and flexibility while querying metrics. InfluxDB has a built-in alerting feature that can also be integrated with other systems.

4. Splunk

Besides monitoring systems, Splunk offers an effective observability solution that allows the collection and analysis of data across your entire stack. The tool provides end-to-end visibility to identify issues even while the application is being used. Full-stack observability enables you to get insights into all aspects of your system.

Examples of Companies That are Utilizing the DevOps Tools

Discover how these innovative companies use the best DevOps tools to simplify their software development processes and enhance team collaboration.

🔹 Amazon

Amazon’s infrastructure benefits from various tools that allow flexibility and scalability in the application deployment process. Docker allows applications to be containerized, providing the developer’s efficiency and portability. Ansible is utilized to automate configuration management and streamline the deployment process.

Kubernetes ensures the orchestration and management of containers, enhancing performance and resilience within Amazon’s infrastructure. All these tools work synergetically to develop a powerful platform for application development and deployment on Amazon.

🔹 Netflix

Netflix utilizes the ELK (Elastic, Logstash, and Kibana) to collect and analyze logs and monitor real-time performance. Additionally, they have developed Chaos Monkey to introduce controlled disruptions within the production systems. The approach helps identify potential weaknesses or issues in the architecture and creates a more resilient and fault-tolerant design. Such a stack of tools allows Netflix to improve overall customer experience with reliable software deploys and proactive monitoring.

🔹 Google

Kubernetes and Jenkins are the two most powerful tools that significantly impacted Google’s performance in managing and scaling containerized applications. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform enabling Google to manage and scale its containerized applications seamlessly. While Jenkins provides continuous integration and delivery of the applications, automating the development, testing, and deployment process. The automation results in faster software releases with improved time-to-market.

🔹 Microsoft

Azure DevOps is an important tool for enhancing performance in software development and collaboration between operations. It offers tools, including Git for efficient version control and Jenkins automating the development and deployment processes. Microsoft utilizes Azure to bring together all the crucial components of software development into one platform that increases the efficiency and speed of developing projects for clients.

🔹 Etsy

Etsy is a leading American e-commerce website and one of the earliest birds to incorporate DevOps practices into its operations. Etsy relies on Nagios for monitoring and alerting for all its operations and development processes. Nagios helps maintain the availability and performance of its systems by providing real-time analysis and identifying the issues in the system. Graphite offers visualization tools allowing Etsy to represent the metrics and make data-driven decisions faster, optimizing the platform’s overall performance.

On the hand, PagerDuty ensures timely disaster response and effective communication between the team members. PagerDuty helps in reducing downtime while improving service reliability and performance.

🔹 Facebook

To sustain and manage the infrastructure efficiently, Facebook integrates Chef into the system. Chef helps Facebook automate configuration management, streamline operations, and handle the demands of a growing user base, as it engages with millions of users daily. Facebook incorporated Phabricator, a powerful suite of development and collaboration tools that makes the team work more productive and seamless. With features like code reviews, project management, and respiratory hosting all in one place, Facebook enhanced its performance and user experience.

🔹 Twitter

Twitter handles daily user engagements and large amounts of data in the system; therefore, streamlining and automating the process is the highest priority. With Jenkins, Twitter automates development, testing, and release processes with seamless and faster time-to-market. Ansible is another tool that automates the configuration and management to ensure consistent and efficient deployment across Twitter’s infrastructure. The tools help improve operational efficiency and reduce manual errors in the system.

🔹 Airbnb

Using Docker, Airbnb can containerize its application and improve agility, scalability, and portability. Docker has helped streamline processes by allowing easy deployment across different environments without depending on manual work. Jenkins has played a critical role in automating the development and deployment process for Airbnb. As a result of this automation, Airbnb enjoys continuous integration and delivery, allowing easy updates, improvements, and adoption to change. The two technologies complement each other to create an efficient system that generates high user value.

🔹 Salesforce

Chef and Git are powerful tools that have revolutionized how businesses manage infrastructure and software development. Chef manages the infrastructure operations smoothly, which is important for Salesforce to maintain consistent configurations while deploying applications efficiently. Git provides version control that encourages collaboration between developers while being cost-efficient, maintaining code integrity, and ensuring improved productivity. The combination of these tools has relevantly transformed how Salesforce approaches IT operations, reducing manual workloads while providing faster delivery times and reducing dependencies.

Mindbowser’s Use of DevOps Tools

We help our clients adopt DevOps methodologies and tools to improve the software development and delivery processes. We use various tools: Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Nagios, Jira, Prometheus, and New Relic. These tools help us automate our software development and delivery processes, leading to improved reliability, scalability, quality, and agility.

By implementing DevOps tools, we improve our software development and delivery processes in several ways. Automating the processes frees our team members to focus on more creative and strategic work. We can improve the reliability of our software by making it seamless to add new features and functionality.

For one of our clients, Shortlist, we configured a monitoring solution using Datadog. We automated the alerts in the system, which triggered various scenarios in the application, such as downtime or malfunctions in the system. We used Datadog’s dashboard to monitor and analyze the issues in the system relevantly.


Streamline Your DevOps Process with the DevOps Tools in 2024

Mastering the right DevOps tools is essential in today’s ever-changing landscape of software development and deployment. The tools we discussed in this blog- Git, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Ansible, Nagios, Prometheus, Terraform, Elk Stack, and Grafana- provide value to the organizations to encourage DevOps practices and achieve greater outcomes.

With the right set of tools, companies can drive improvements in software development, deployment, and operational efficiency. You can accelerate the deployment cycles and achieve agility and greater performance by empowering the features of various automated monitoring tools. While several tools are available for you, choosing the right one starts with evaluating your needs and resources to unlock the full potential of your software development and delivery process.

Are you prepared to improve your DevOps plan? Join forces with Mindbowser to get the best DevOps services, resources, and knowledgeable advice. Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can DevOps tools help in the software development process?

DevOps tools automate various stages of the software development lifecycle, such as code building, testing, deployment, and infrastructure management, to streamline processes and improve collaboration among development and operations teams.

What is the role of version control tools in DevOps?

Version control tools, such as Git, enable teams to track changes to code, collaborate effectively, and manage different versions of the software, ensuring consistency and facilitating seamless integration within the DevOps workflow.

How do containerization tools like Docker contribute to DevOps?

Containerization tools like Docker provide a lightweight and portable environment for packaging software and its dependencies. They allow for consistent deployment across different environments, enhance scalability, and promote efficient resource utilization.

What is the purpose of configuration management tools in DevOps?

Configuration management tools, such as Ansible and Chef, help automate the setup and management of infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort. They enable efficient provisioning, configuration, and orchestration of servers and other resources.

How can continuous integration (CI) tools benefit DevOps practices?

CI tools like Jenkins enable developers to integrate their code changes frequently, automatically build and test the software, and identify issues early in the development cycle. This helps maintain code quality, accelerate feedback loops, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Are there any cloud-based DevOps tools available?

Yes, there are several cloud-based DevOps tools, such as AWS CodePipeline, Azure DevOps, and Google Cloud Build. These tools offer integrated pipelines, scalable infrastructure, and various services to support continuous delivery and deployment in the cloud environment.

How can monitoring and logging tools contribute to DevOps practices?

Monitoring and logging tools, like Prometheus and ELK stack, provide visibility into application performance, infrastructure health, and logs. They help identify bottlenecks, troubleshoot issues, and ensure the reliability and availability of systems in the DevOps ecosystem.

Can DevOps tools be customized and integrated with existing systems?

Yes, many DevOps tools provide extensibility and integration capabilities. They can be customized and integrated with other tools and systems, allowing organizations to tailor their DevOps workflows to their specific requirements and leverage existing infrastructure investments.

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