Best Frontend Frameworks in 2024 for Web Development

With each passing day, the web development sphere is revolutionizing the way people see and use applications, websites, products, and much more. Thanks to an array of the best front-end frameworks offering unforgettable user experiences and satisfying business requirements with next-gen web development imperatives.

However, choosing the right framework for your software development is not an easy job. You need to have clear market research and an understanding of the pros and cons. But not to worry, we are here to save your time and energy with our crystal clear recommendation.

This blog shall help you walk through the list of the best frontend frameworks of 2024 and choose what best suits your next web development project.

Most Popular Frontend Frameworks

A ‘Framework’ is an ambit of programs you can use to develop applications. To be precise, if you consider a book as a ‘Programming Language’ then the framework symbolizes a ‘Library’. And you need an all-inclusive vetted library to satisfy all your readers.

So, let’s move forward and take a deeper dive into the universe of the most popular front-end frameworks, their pros, cons, and use cases.

1. React:

React is an actively used frontend open-source JavaScript Library that helps in developing highly responsive web apps. Its key objective is to create interactive User Interfaces (UI) that enhance your app’s speed.


  • Easy to learn, understand, use, and execute
  • Dynamic web application development is easier
  • Its reusable components make apps easier to maintain and develop


  • Constant technology updates lead to poor documentation
  • It just covers the UI layers of your app
  • Beginners have to come across the complexity of JavaScript XML

Use Cases

  • React enabled high-end modulation and less time for updating Yahoo Mail’s user interface
  • Most of the components of the Airbnb application are made with React

2. Angular:

Angular is another open-source frontend framework that is a part of the JavaScript ecosystem used for building impressive UI. The framework includes versions from 2 to the recently introduced in 2020 i.e., Angular 9.


  • Two-way data binding enables you to reduce the development time
  • Directives feature helps to create rich and dynamic content
  • Makes components more reusable, easy to test, and manage with dependency injection


  • Single-page applications (SPAs) and dynamic applications shall present an inconvenience
  • More time is required to migrate legacy systems from AngularJS to Angular
  • Angular is complex and displays verbosity

Use Cases

  • YouTube’s version on PlayStation 3 is the best example of the best frontend frameworks
  • Angular helped The Guardian develop the unlimited scrolling of search results

3. Vue.js:

Vue.js is used to create single-page apps and progressive web interfaces for both mobile as well as desktop. In 2019, it became the 2nd most loved frontend framework to curate user interfaces.


  • You can download and install the library very quickly
  • It works well for unit testing and is easy to read and understand
  • It has a robust tool system and includes an array of new functions


  • English-speaking-only shall have problems understanding the Chinese instructions
  • The reactivity system makes mistakes while reading the data
  • It doesn’t have good support to handle large-scale projects

Use Cases

  • Its component-based structure made it the perfect fit for IBM Hybrid Cloud Design
  • Alibaba made use of Vue.js as its go-to frontend platform

4. jQuery:

jQuery is one of the best frontend frameworks with its unique qualities of animations, query selection, and strong API selection. It avoids the complexities of writing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript.


  • Delivers faster results and is competitive
  • Being one of the best UI frameworks gives it good compatibility with cross-platforms
  • You can download and learn it easily


  • It’s highly vulnerable to alterations
  • It can lead to massive errors in the future if not used with a proper JS Foundation
  • jQuery is slower as compared to CSS

Use Cases

  • Quora made use of jQuery to enhance its graphical interface
  • Uber has it in its technology stack

5. Emberjs:

It’s a worth-mentioning frontend development framework that allows the development of dynamic SPAs. Emberjs is a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern-based full-featured open-source framework.


  • The size of its package ecosystem is very well-developed
  • Easy generation of an entire app by using only one command in a short time
  • It’s backward-compatible and avoids spoiling applications


  • Quite challenging to learn and proves heavy for small-scale applications
  • It’s sluggish and your project may suffer stagnation
  • Offers very little flexibility and configuration

Use Cases

  • LinkedIn made use of Emberjs to enhance their UX/UI
  • The framework helped Netflix to be more scalable and modern

Everything you Need to Know about Web Application Architecture

6. Backbonejs:

It’s one of the best frontend frameworks that allows you to orchestrate your JS code in a Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. Its collection and redrawing capabilities of the Document Object Model (DOM) are great.


  • It’s easy to learn, and understand and is lightweight
  • The framework offers good control over performance
  • You can store your data in models rather than in DOM


  • The architecture is not clear with the provision of some elemental tools
  • You cannot be more productive with Backbonejs
  • It lacks two-way data binding support making it complex

Use Cases

  • Trello made use of Backbonejs to handle dynamic re-syncs and updates
  • Hulu made use of this framework to generate fast user experiences for movie lovers

7. Semantic-UI:

It is a UI development framework for CSS that became one of the top-notch JavaScript projects on GitHub. Its community has successfully created 3K+ themes for the framework alongside adding 50+ components.


  • Semantic UI is very easy to use and intuitive
  • Designs a page or develops a project rapidly
  • There is a good range of themes available in the framework


  • Its browser compatibility is weak
  • Less responsive to cover all mobile devices
  • Has a smaller community on GitHub

Use Cases

  • Snapchat keeps Semantic UI in its tech stack to offer an impressive user experience
  • Accenture made use of this frontend framework to make its website more intuitive

8. Foundation:

Foundation is one of the best front-end frameworks in 2021 outlining JS, HTML, and CSS collections. It’s one of the top existing frameworks used by developers to build custom sites and apps.


  • Allows designing for multiple screen sizes at ease
  • Block grid feature converting the unarranged list into a proper grid format
  • Easily customizable and extensible while choosing add-ons


  • Learning Foundation would be hard if you are a beginner
  • It has a limited number of components
  • The framework might create problems for large-scale projects

Use Cases

  • Adobe uses Foundation UI to boost speed and utility
  • Foundation UI is helping Cisco to be responsive and handy

9. Svelte:

It’s the first and foremost compile-time framework that offers less coding. Its ability to convert an app into ideal JS at build times rather than rendering your app code at runtime makes it one of the best front-end frameworks.


  • It has a pretty strong Server-Side Rendering (SSR) implementation called Sapper
  • Proposes fast development capabilities with a great learning curve
  • The framework offers easy mobile implementation


  • It has a very low number of packages in comparison to its competitors
  • It creates confusion related to syntax and variable names
  • Many difficulties arise due to its compiler-like pattern

Use Cases

  • Spotify uses Svelte for its landing page
  • The framework is helping Noppo to offer a slick interactive UX/UI

10. Preact:

Preact is a faster and much more efficient alternative to React and uses the same ES6 API. It’s built using a Backend JavaScript frameworks that is small and size and offers the same API features as React. It is among the fastest virtual DOM libraries and enables the development of dynamic web applications.


  • It is small and lightweight.
  • It increases overall performance while building an application.
  • It is highly efficient.
  • It is compatible with React API.


  • It lacks support for React propTypes.
  • Does not support context.
  • It has a smaller community in comparison to React.

Use Cases 

  • Used by a spectrum of websites and large multinational organizations.
  • Pepsi has it in its technology stack.

Benefits of Frontend Development

The frontend framework makes it possible for developers to develop apps that have a faster response time with flexible and quick assembly and also reduces the time for the development of an application.

Offers Real-Time Programming

This feature of frontend frameworks, allows the developers to see the status of web applications directly on their browser without losing touch with the development process.

Frontend Frameworks are More Secured

Coding in frontend frameworks is comparatively secure which can be seen as the biggest benefit of using frontend frameworks. It also ensures secure and smooth site functioning on any browser.

Frontend Technology has Various Benefits

The technology used in frontend development is easy to learn by beginners, is scalable, and easy to use. It has a user-friendly environment and allows developers to develop applications easily.



From developing mobile-friendly websites to creating minimalistic apps on the go, the list of these best frontend frameworks have come a long way. It’s obvious that choosing one from such an intuitive list is nothing less than a challenge. But this post shall surely be helpful in selecting the right one out of the various frontend web development frameworks available above and in the market.

So, what’s holding you back, choose the best and get going!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are frontend frameworks important for web development?

Frontend frameworks are essential for developing complex, scalable, and maintainable web applications with dynamic UI and complex state interactions. They provide ready-to-use components, simplifying the application development process.

What are frontend frameworks and why use them?

Frontend frameworks offer pre-written code for faster web development. With ready-made components, they streamline UI creation, data handling, and styling. Using a framework saves time, ensures code consistency, and enhances web app performance and responsiveness.

What are the 10 best frontend frameworks in 2024?

The blog post lists 10 popular frontend frameworks:

React, Angular, Vue.js, Svelte, Ember.js, Preact, Blazor, Mithril, Dojo, and Backbone.js. Each has its unique strengths and weaknesses, making it suitable for different types of projects.

What is the future of frontend frameworks?

The future of front-end frameworks lies in performance, flexibility, and vibrant communities. Ease of learning, seamless integration, and trends like component-based architectures and virtual DOMs shape the landscape. Static site generators are also on the rise.

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