Advantage Django

These characteristics make Django- developer’s one of the most favorite frameworks and us, the most loved Django development company.

Ridiculously Fast

Django helps developers take applications from concept to completion as quickly as possible. This enables us build your projects in much lesser time without compromising on the quality.

Reassuringly Secure

Django takes care of all the security parameters by itself. Our focus has always been on building applications without committing common security mistakes. We guarantee impeccable security.

Fully Loaded

Django includes dozens of extras which can be used to handle common Web development tasks. We have absolute expertise in building functionalities like user authentication, content administration, site maps, RSS feeds, and many more tasks.

Exceedingly Scalable

Some of the busiest sites on the internet leverage Django’s ability to quickly and flexibly scale. We build solutions which can be easily scaled by keeping in mind the future scope. They can be molded with ease as per the requirement.

These characteristics make Django- developer’s one of the most favorite frameworks and us, the most loved Django development company.

How We Delighted Our Customers through the Django Development

Event Management System

We built an event management system for one of the leaders in this space. We build a comprehensive website which can manage – event schedules, items required for events, vendors and invoices. Despite the huge scope of functionalities, we were able to deliver the solution in much lesser time than estimated.

Technology Stack: Nginx, Gunicorn, Supervisor, Django, MySQL. As a leading Django Development Company, we have expertise in all major technologies.

Job Portal

We built a job portal for Entertainment industry where actors can apply for the job posted by the casting directors. Casting Directors can then shortlist candidates based on more than 110 parameters. This included complex mapping of features and functionalities but as for every project, our Django experts made it super-easy.

Technology Stack: Nginx, Gunicorn, Supervisor, Django, Redis, Elastic Search, MongoDB, MySQL

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