Creating and Uploading a Flutter Package: A Step-by-Step Guide

Flutter packages are a powerful way to share code and functionality across different Flutter projects. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of creating a Flutter package and uploading it to, the official package repository for Dart and Flutter.

Step 1: Set Up the Flutter Package

The first step is to create a new Flutter package using the Flutter create command. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your package. Run the following command:


flutter create --template=package your_package_name

Replace your_package_name with the desired name for your package. This command will generate the basic structure for a Flutter package, including a lib directory where your package code will reside.

Step 2: Define Your Package

Now, let’s define the functionality of your package. Open the lib/your_package_name.dart the file and add your code. For the purpose of this blog post, let’s create a simple utility function that checks if a given string is a valid 4-digit OTP (One-Time Password):


library your_package_name; bool isFourDigitOTP(String otp) { if (otp == null || otp.isEmpty) { return false; } final regex = RegExp(r'^[0-9]{4}$'); return regex.hasMatch(otp); }

This function, isFourDigitOTP, will be the core functionality of our package.

Step 3: Update the pubspec.yaml File

The pubspec.yaml file contains metadata about your package, such as its name, version, and dependencies. Open the pubspec.yaml file and update it with relevant information:


name: your_package_name version: 0.1.0 description: A Flutter package for OTPvalidation
authors: - Your Name

Feel free to add more details like a homepage, repository, or license.

Simplify Your Coding Journey! Explore Our Guide for Easy Steps to Create and Share Flutter Packages.

Step 4: Test the Package Locally

Before publishing your package, it’s a good idea to test it locally. Create a test app that uses your package. In the test app’s pubspec.yaml file, add a dependency on your package:


dependencies: your_package_name: path: /path/to/your_package_name

Replace /path/to/your_package_name with the actual path to your package. Now, run flutter pub get in the test app’s directory to fetch the local dependency.

Step 5: Publish Your Package

If everything works as expected, it’s time to share your package with the Flutter community. Before publishing, make sure you have a account. If not, create one at
Run the following command in your package’s directory to publish it:


flutter pub publish

This command will prompt you to log in with your credentials. Once logged in, the package will be published to the repository.

Step 6: Versioning Your Package

When updating your package, it’s essential to follow semantic versioning. Bump the version number in the pubspec.yaml file according to your changes (e.g., 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 for bug fixes). Update the version, make your changes, test, and then publish again.



Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a Flutter package and published it to Now, developers worldwide can easily integrate your functionality into their Flutter projects by adding a simple dependency.

Remember to maintain good documentation and follow best practices to make your package user-friendly. Regularly check for feedback, issues, and version updates. Happy coding!

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