Ensuring Quality: Your Ultimate Website and Mobile App Testing Checklist

Welcome to this blog where we will be discussing the essential checklist to follow while testing any website or mobile application. There are instances where as a QA tester or an individual, we may be requested to test software and may not know where to start, which areas are important to test, and which testing methods to use to guarantee its quality. This blog will provide you with the necessary information to ensure that you understand the critical aspects of software testing.

The checklist is divided into two sections:

1. Process Checklist: The process checklist is unique to each company, and as a tester, it is our job to verify that specific processes established within the organization are being adhered to. For instance, ensuring that the proper email template is used for sending and receiving builds, checking the Jira status of the mentioned user stories to confirm they are in the Ready for QA state and assigned to the respective QA, and more.

2. Technical Checklist: After completing the process checklist, the technical checklist is initiated, which involves the actual testing of the software or product. But, before we test any product or application, we must ensure mentioned prerequisites to full fill.


  • Get a detailed understanding of the requirements.
  • Ask as many questions as you can to clearly understand the full scope of the requirements.

Now, let’s dive into the checklist part;

Process Checklist

As stated before, this checklist will be unique to each company. So, this checklist is based on the process that we follow at Mindbowser.

Process Checklist

Domain and Requirement Understanding – Prepare your own query log sheet to understand the requirements and business rules.

Decide to Build Frequency and Build Date – Discuss with your team the frequency of the builds in a week and also decide on the build receiving dates as well to ensure consistent testing.

Test Cases Review – Get your test cases reviewed by your mentor or project manager in a timely manner and implement the necessary changes as suggested by them from time to time.

Check Build Email Format – Once you receive the builds from the development team, make sure they have utilized the designated build email template.

Check Jira Status – Check the status of the user stories or bugs mentioned in the build email on Jira and make sure they are in the Ready for QA state and should be assigned to QA.

Send Build Acceptance/Rejection Email – After ensuring that your initial testing is passed and following the standard procedure, which includes using the correct build email format and providing accurate Jira updates, you may send the build acceptance email to the entire team. If you choose to reject the build, be sure to include your reasons for doing so.

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Technical Checklist


✅ Check for Build Installation & Uninstallation – This is applicable only for mobile apps.

✅ Check for Build URL – For website only.

✅ UI testing – Compare the UI of the app with the designs that you have.

✅ Initial Level Testing – Perform smoke and regression testing on the builds that you got. If the build passes smoke and regression testing then share the build acceptance email with the team or else reject the build.

✅ Functional Testing – Here you can verify the functional requirements of the application on the web or on mobile whichever is applicable by all the testing types mentioned in your test plan document and report the issues in the decided tool.

  • However, please make sure to test web build on different browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE Edge, etc.
  • In the case of mobile, make sure to verify the app on different mobile devices.

✅ Network Testing – Check the behaviour of the application by switching the network connection or by interrupting the connection.

✅ Regression Testing – After thoroughly testing each individual component, regression testing should be performed on the entire system. This is because regression is more effective when done on the system as a whole, rather than on individual components. In essence, regression testing is conducted after any changes are made to the code to ensure that they do not impact the existing code or modules.

Following are the scenarios where code change can occur-

  • Addition of new feature/functionality.
  • Bug Fixes.

✅ Types of Regression – When we do the regression on the system, the approach of doing it plays a vital role in the quality. Typically, there are two major types of regression however, which regression to be carried out is context-dependent.

Below are the different types of regression that we can do to ensure the quality –

  • Partial/Regional Regression – As the name indicates, this is partial or regional regression. In other words, when a modification is done on any individual unit or module then this type of testing is carried out on the modified module only. In this type of regression, we will test the newly modified code along with the other related features from the same module itself to ensure the changes have not adversely affected the existing code/features.
  • Full/Complete Regression – Unlike regional regression, complete regression involves testing the entire system after any modifications have been made. Essentially, if any dependent modules have been changed, it’s crucial to conduct a full/complete regression to ensure that no adverse effects have occurred.

✅ Non-functional Testing – Once the functional testing is done, move on to the non-functional testing where you can perform these tests –

  • Stress
  • Load
  • Endurance
  • Globalization testing (if applicable)
  • Performance

✅  Exploratory Testing – If time permits, explore the application randomly and see for any undiscovered defects. Can also do R&D on similar types of applications and provide suggestions for overall improvements of the application.

Related read: A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Successful Mobile Application

✅  Final Testing – It generally includes UAT testing and End-to-End testing to ensure the completeness and correctness of the application before delivering it to the client.

✅  Feedback – Continuously gather client feedback and use the above checklist to improve the application.



In conclusion, this comprehensive checklist provides a structured and efficient approach to testing any website or mobile app. By following the process checklist, QA testers can ensure adherence to established processes and standards within their organizations. Moreover, the technical checklist outlines essential testing steps, ranging from installation checks to regression and non-functional testing.

By adhering to these straightforward checklists, we can guarantee the application’s good quality. Additionally, it may be beneficial to incorporate automation testing into the above checklist, particularly for regression tests or test cases that require multiple executions to save time. Security Testing is also important for financial, and healthcare applications. Conducting API testing will also enhance the overall testing process.

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