PayU Payment Gateway

Nowadays, there are many more options available for the payment gateway in websites and mobile applications. PayU is one of them, which offers electronic payment gateway for multiple websites. PayU is indian company and they have clients like Goibibo, Redbus, Snapdeal, Micromax, BookMyShow and many more.

PayU has mainly two products i.e. PayUMoney & PayUbiz



Why To Choose PayU?

PayU offers a single integration solution that offers users to get the payment from all locations where it will be operated. International merchants can use PayU as a payment service provider. It offers more than 250+ local payment methods and multiple currency options. Tokenization is also available to provide a safe and fast way for customers to pay online.

PayU Features

  • Multi-currency
  • Alternative payment
  • Web checkout
  • Mobile Integration
  • Tokenization
  • Express payment

Payment Methods That Supports PayU

  • Debit cards
  • Credit cards
  • Online net banking
  • Email Invoicing
  • IVR

PayU Payment Gateway Integration In Android

PayUMoney SDK is now available for android payumoney plug-n-play sdk. There is a limitation for PayUMoney SDK is that it supports minSdkVersion 20. You can’t use the PayUMoney payment gateway below API 20. Below are the steps that should be followed to integrate the PayUMoney in android.

Create Account

You need to create the merchant account on PayUMoney. Also you need to provide the email address and phone number.After creating account you will get the merchant key, merchant salt and merchant ID.

Add Dependency In Android Gradle File

Add the following lines to the android project gradle file:-

implementation 'com.payumoney.core:payumoney-sdk:7.4.4'
   implementation  'com.payumoney.sdkui:plug-n-play:1.6.0'

Calculate The Hash Key At Server

You need to generate the hash key at the server side. Hash key generation required merchant key, transaction Id, product details. Hash key will be verified at the server side when the transaction gets started from the application. Hash key will protect the transaction from ‘man in the middle’ attack. Hash is an encrypted value that will be sent on request by merchant and also sent back from the PayU server in response.

Set Payment Parameters

To start the payment, we need to initialize the sdk by providing the details of customer and transaction. ‘Udf’ stands for ‘user defined fields’. These are the optional fields to pass the custom information about the transaction.

Below is the sample code to set the parameters.

PayUmoneySdkInitializer.PaymentParam.Builder builder = new


builder.setAmount(amount)                          // Payment amount

.setTxnId(txnId)                                             // Transaction ID

.setPhone(phone)                                           // User Phone number

.setProductName(productName)                   // Product Name or description

.setFirstName(firstName)                              // User First name

.setEmail(email)                                            // User Email ID

.setsUrl(“”)                   // Success URL (surl)

.setfUrl(“")                     //Failure URL (furl)











.setIsDebug(true)                              // Integration environment - true (Debug)/ false(Production)

.setKey(“enter merchant key”)                        // Merchant key

.setMerchantId(“enter merchant ID”);

Build The Parameters And Set Hash Key

Hashkey generated at the server side we need to set that to the parameters.

Start The Payment Flow

Now we can call the below function to checkout to payu sdk. Users will interact with the PayUSdk screen till the transaction completes.

PayUmoneyFlowManager.startPayUMoneyFlow( PayUmoneySdkInitializer.PaymentParam paymentParam,Activity context,int style, boolean isOverrideResultScreen)
Now If the isOverridesResultScreen is false then payu sdk will take care of the transaction result screen and if true then merchant will add his own transaction result screen.

Response Handling

PayUSdk provides the default transaction handling and screens. You can also add the custom screen after completing the transaction.

Below is the sample code to handle the transaction response.

Below is the sample code to handle the transaction response.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

// Result Code is -1 send from Payumoney activity

Log.d("MainActivity", "request code " + requestCode + " resultcode " + resultCode);

if (requestCode == PayUmoneyFlowManager.REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT && resultCode == RESULT_OK && data != null) {

TransactionResponse transactionResponse = data.getParcelableExtra( PayUmoneyFlowManager.INTENT_EXTRA_TRANSACTION_RESPONSE );

if (transactionResponse != null && transactionResponse.getPayuResponse() != null) {

if(transactionResponse.getTransactionStatus().equals( TransactionResponse.TransactionStatus.SUCCESSFUL )){

//Success Transaction

} else{

//Failure Transaction


// Response from Payumoney

String payuResponse = transactionResponse.getPayuResponse();

// Response from SURl and FURL

String merchantResponse = transactionResponse.getTransactionDetails();

}  else if (resultModel != null && resultModel.getError() != null) {

Log.d(TAG, "Error response : " + resultModel.getError().getTransactionResponse());

} else {

Log.d(TAG, "Both objects are null!");





You can test the transactions using following test card credentials:

Card typeMaster
Card5123 4567 8901 2346


PayU makes a good option for requesting the payment from the clients. Process in the payu is streamlined and we can use the international payments with the security. Using PayU we can use almost more than 250+ payment methods and multiple currency options.

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