Advance Flutter App Development with Redux State Management

When developing a large and complex application, managing data flow and keeping track of the state of individual widgets can quickly become overwhelming. Redux simplifies this process for flutter app developers.

The Redux library is a popular state management library in projects using React and React Native. It is also commonly used in Flutter, a UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms.

With Redux, you can manage the state of a Flutter App Development, making it easier to understand, maintain, and scale. With Redux, imagine having a main storage unit for your Flutter App Development. It’s like a control center that holds onto all the important stuff about what’s going on in your app. And, it makes sure information moves in one clear direction.

Our goal is to provide a hands-on guide to integrating Redux into a Flutter app and to grasp the key concepts behind it.

What is Redux?

Flux architecture is used as the basis for Redux, which is a state management library optimized for managing applications. The core concepts of Flux architecture are as follows:

🔸 State: User data, API responses, and UI state all consist of the state of an application over time.

🔸 Actions: A clickable action is an event dispatched by the view layer that changes the state of the application. It has a type and can be accompanied by data as a payload.

🔸 Reducer: The reducer defines how the state should be updated based on the type of action. It takes the state and an action as inputs and returns the updated state.

🔸 Store: Creating the store is achieved by passing a reducer function to it. The store is like the brain of the application, where all the information about its current state is stored.

Redux allows a consistent, predictable state management for applications based on these core concepts.

Related read: Redux Persist: The Key to Preserving Your Redux State

Why Use Redux in Flutter?

There are several built-in widgets and tools in Flutter that are perfect for building complex user interfaces. It becomes more challenging to manage the state of a Flutter App Development as it grows in size and complexity. Redux can be used to centralize the state of your application and make it easier to manage it as it grows in size and complexity.

✅ Flutter’s Redux Implementation Offers the Following Benefits:

🔸 Predictable State Management: Using Redux, you can predict the state of your application at any given point in time, and you can better troubleshoot issues that arise as the state changes over time.

🔸 Scalability: The Redux implementation makes it easy to manage the state of your application as your application grows in size and complexity. It is also possible to quickly scale your application by following the core concepts of Redux.

🔸 Reusable Code: You can write reusable code by centralizing the application’s state. Let’s say the application has multiple parts, you can share this code between them.

🔸 Easy to Test: Reducer is easy to test because it’s a pure function. This makes it easier to validate that the application’s state has been updated correctly.

Integrating Redux into a Flutter App Development:

Redux in Flutter can be implemented by installing the flutter_redux package and creating a store. Several packages, including flutter_redux and redux_thunk, let you implement Redux in Flutter.

flutter_redux: ^0.10.0A

Supercharge Your Flutter Apps with Redux State Management - Level Up Now!

In order to create the store, a reducer and the initial state are taken as arguments in the createStore() function. The initial state is a plain Dart object, and the reducer is a Dart function that takes the store’s current state and action and returns its next state.

🔸 Define Your Application State and Action:

class AppState {
int counter;

AppState({this.counter = 0});
enum Actions { incrementCounter }Create the reducer:

🔸 Create the Reducer: 

AppState appReducer(AppState state, dynamic action) {
if (action == Actions.incrementCounter) {
return AppState(counter: state.counter + 1);
return state;
3. Create the store:
final store = Store<AppState>(
initialState: AppState(),

Using the StoreProvider widget, you can make the store available to all descendants of the child widget, once it has been created. The StoreProvider widget takes the store, and the child widget and all descendants are passed the store argument.

🔸 To Provide Your Application with a Store, Use the StoreProvider Widget:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StoreProvider<AppState>(
store: store,
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Redux Example',
home: MyHomePage(),

StoreBuilder widgets are used in child widgets to access the store’s state. StoreBuilder widgets take a builder function as argument, which returns a widget with the store’s state. A builder function is called whenever the state of the store changes, and it returns the updated UI.

🔸 To Access Your Application with a State of the Store, Use the StoreBuilder:

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Redux Example'),
body: Center(
child: StoreBuilder<AppState>(
builder: (context, store) {
return Text(
'Counter: ${store.state.counter}',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Icon(Icons.add),

Redux can be easily implemented in a Flutter app by creating the store, supplying it to the application, accessing the state of the store, and dispatching actions.

Related read: Redux Structures Redefined

Note: You can extend and customize this example to suit your needs. This is just a basic example to help you get started with Redux in Flutter.



This library simplifies the management of the state in a Flutter App Development application using its powerful state management capabilities. When you use Redux, all of your application’s data is stored in a single place, and actions and reducers are used to manage the flow. It is easy to build large and complex Flutter App Development applications with Redux’s simple approach.

Thanks for reading this article, Happy Fluttering..!!!!


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