Streamlining Authentication and Authorization: Auth0 and Spring Boot


In the world of web applications, user authentication and authorization play a vital role in securing sensitive data and protecting user privacy. Implementing a robust identity management system can be complex and time-consuming. However, by combining the power of Auth0 and the convenience of Spring Boot, developers can streamline the process of integrating a secure authentication and authorization solution into their Spring Boot applications.

In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step implementation guide for integrating Auth0 with Spring Boot, ensuring the highest level of security for your applications.


Before diving into the implementation, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

1. Auth0 Account: Sign up for an Auth0 account at and create a new application.

2. Spring Boot: Set up a Spring Boot project with the necessary dependencies and a basic application structure.

3. Java Development Environment: Install Java Development Kit (JDK) and configure your development environment.


▶️ Universal Login

Auth0 offers you an easy way to build this unique door for your customers through Universal Login. Anytime your customers need to log in, they are redirected to a central authorization server that presents them with a login form that embraces your brand. Since authentication takes place on the same domain as the login, credentials are not sent across origins, increasing security and protecting against phishing and bucket brigade attacks, also known as man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

▶️ Single Sign On

Single sign-on (SSO) allows users to simply log in once and use all applications they have been granted access. You could use your Google account to authenticate yourself with a dating site or any other application that decided to delegate the responsibility to create, maintain, and protect your username and password to Google.

▶️ Multifactor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of verifying a user’s identity by requiring them to present more than one piece of identifying information. This effectively provides an additional layer of security, decreasing the likelihood of unauthorized access. The type of information required from the user is typically two or more of the following:

  • Knowledge: Something the user knows (such as a password)
  • Possession: Something the user has (such as a mobile device)
  • Inheritance: Something the user is (such as a fingerprint or retina scan)

The complexity of getting an MFA right keeps developers from implementing it in their applications. However, with Auth0, enabling MFA for your application is a fairly straightforward process:

  • Choose what factors to enable on your application, such as push notifications.
  • Perform any further setup required to configure that factor.
  • Choose whether or not you wish to enforce MFA for all users.

With Auth0, you can detect anomalies and stop malicious attempts to access your application. Auth0 offers two types of shields:

  • Brute-force protection
  • Breached password detection

You can Check Out Our Video on Introduction to Auth0 Below

Use Case

  • You have built an awesome app and you want to add user authentication and authorization. Your users should be able to log in either with a username/password or with their social accounts (such as Facebook or Twitter). You want to retrieve the user’s profile after the login so you can customize the UI and apply your authorization policies.
  • You have built an API and you want to secure it with OAuth 2.0.
  • You have more than one app, and you want to implement Single Sign-on (SSO).
  • You have built a JavaScript front-end app and a mobile app, and you want them both to securely access your API.
  • You have a web app that needs to authenticate users using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
  • You believe passwords are broken and you want your users to log in with one-time codes delivered by email or SMS.
  • If one of your user’s email addresses is compromised in some site’s public data breach, you want to be notified, and you want to notify the users and/or block them from logging in to your app until they reset their password.
  • You want to act proactively to block suspicious IP addresses if they make consecutive failed login attempts, in order to avoid DDoS attacks.
  • You are part of a large organization that wants to federate your existing enterprise directory service to allow employees to log in to the various internal and third-party applications using their existing enterprise credentials.
  • You don’t want (or you don’t know how) to implement your own user management solution. password resets, creating, provisioning, blocking, and deleting users, and the UI to manage all these. You just want to focus on your app.
  • You want to enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) when your users want to access sensitive data.
  • You are looking for an identity solution that will help you stay on top of the constantly growing compliance requirements of SOC2, GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and others.

Authentication and Authorization Flows

Auth0 uses the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Protocol and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework to authenticate users and get their authorization to access protected resources. With Auth0, you can easily support different flows in your own applications and APIs without worrying about OIDC/OAuth 2.0 specifications or other technical aspects of authentication and authorization.

Authorization Code Flows

Regular web apps are server-side apps where the source code is not publicly exposed, they can use the Authorization Code Flow, which exchanges an Authorization Code for a token. Your app must be server-side because during this exchange, you must also pass along your application’s Client Secret, which must always be kept secure, and you will have to store it in your client.


Fig. Authentication Code Flow Chart
  • The user clicks login within the regular web application.
  • Auth0’s SDK redirects the user to the Auth0 Authorization Server (/authorize).
  • Your Auth0 Authorization Server redirects the user to the login and Authorization prompt.
  • The user authenticates using one of the configured login options and may see a consent page listing the permissions Auth0 will give to the regular web application.
  • Your Auth0 Authorization Server redirects the user back to the application with an Authorization code, which is good for one use.
  • Auth0’s SDK sends this code to the Auth0 Authorization Server (/OAuth/token) along with the application’s Client ID and Client Secret.
  • Your Auth0 Authorization Server verifies the code, Client ID, and Client Secret.
  • Your Auth0 Authorization Server responds with an ID Token and Access Token (and optionally, a Refresh Token).
  • Your application can use the Access Token to call an API to access information about the user.
  • The API responds with the requested data.

Implementation Steps

Now let’s get started with the implementation process of integrating Auth0 with Spring Boot:

Step 1: Configure Auth0

1. Log in to your Auth0 account and navigate to the Applications section.
2. Create a new application and choose the appropriate application type (Single Page Application, Regular Web Application, etc.).
3. Configure the necessary settings, such as allowed callback URLs and logout URLs, based on your Spring Boot application’s requirements.
4. Note down the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” generated by Auth0, as they will be needed in the Spring Boot application.

Step 2: Add Dependencies

1. Open your Spring Boot project in your preferred IDE.
2. Add the following dependencies in your pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle) file:

  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • spring-boot-starter-security
  • com.auth0:auth0-spring-security-api:<version>

Step 3: Configure Spring Security

1. Create a new Java class,, to configure Spring Security settings.
2. Annotate the class with @EnableWebSecurity and @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) to enable security configurations.
3. Override the configure(HttpSecurity http) method to define the security rules and authorize access to different endpoints.

Step 4: Configure Auth0 Integration

1. Create a new Java class,, to configure the integration with Auth0.
2. Use the @Configuration annotation to mark the class as a configuration class.
3. In the class, create a @Bean method to configure the Auth0JwtAuthenticationProvider by providing the Auth0 issuer URL and audience.
4. Inject the Auth0JwtAuthenticationProvider bean into the SecurityConfig class and configure the authentication provider using auth.authenticationProvider().

Step 5: Implement Controller and Endpoints

1. Create Spring MVC controllers to handle different endpoints in your application.
2. Annotate the controller methods with appropriate security annotations (@PreAuthorize, @RolesAllowed, etc.) to enforce authorization rules.
3. Use the Authentication object to retrieve user information and perform additional checks, if needed.

Step 6: Test the Integration

1. Start your Spring Boot application.
2. Access the secured endpoints and observe the behavior based on the configured security rules.
3. Verify that the authentication and authorization process works as expected, leveraging Auth0 for user authentication.



By following this step-by-step implementation guide, you can seamlessly integrate Auth0 with Spring Boot, ensuring a secure authentication and authorization system for your applications. Auth0 simplifies user management and provides robust security features, while Spring Boot offers a powerful framework for building scalable applications.

With the combined strengths of Auth0 and Spring Boot, you can focus on delivering exceptional user experiences while maintaining the highest level of security for your Spring Boot applications.

What is the use of Auth0?

Auth0 is primarily used for identity and access management. It offers authentication and authorization solutions for applications, websites, and APIs. Developers and organizations use Auth0 to securely manage user authentication, implement single sign-on (SSO), control user access to specific features or data, and ensure compliance with security regulations.

How can Auth0 benefit my application or website?

Auth0 offers several benefits, including Simplified Authentication, Enhanced Security, User Management, User Managemen, Customization, and Authorization and Access Control.

Is there any analytics and monitoring provided by Auth0?

Yes, Auth0 offers insights into login activities and user behaviour, providing valuable data for understanding user interactions with your application and identifying security issues.

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