Introduction to Smart Contracts with Solidity

In this blog, we will provide an introduction to smart contracts using Solidity, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.

Solidity is a high-level, contract-oriented language for implementing smart contracts. It was developed by the Ethereum Foundation, and its name comes from the concept of “solidity” in computer science, which refers to the idea of something being strong and stable.

Solidity is similar to JavaScript in that it is a dynamically typed, imperative programming language. But it also has some important differences. First and foremost, Solidity is a contract-oriented language, meaning that programs written in Solidity are typically used to encode contracts. This is in contrast to JavaScript, which is mainly used for general-purpose programming.

Second, Solidity is statically typed, meaning that variables must be declared with a specific type (e.g., int, string, address) and that type cannot be changed later. This is in contrast to JavaScript, which is dynamically typed, meaning that variables can be declared without a type and their type can be changed later.

Third, Solidity has a rich set of features for implementing smart contracts, including support for multiple inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types. By contrast, JavaScript has only limited support for smart contracts.

Fourth, Solidity is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Finally, Solidity is still a relatively new language, and it is subject to change. This means that programs written in Solidity today may need to be ported to future versions of the language. By contrast, JavaScript has been around for much longer, and it is not likely to change in significant ways.

In summary, Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. It is similar to JavaScript in that it is a dynamically typed, imperative programming language. But it also has important differences, including static typing, rich smart contract support, and EVM targetability.

Advantages of Solidity

  • Solidity is a statically typed language, which means that variables, functions, and data structures can only be used if they have been declared previously. This allows for early detection of errors and enables the compiler to generate more optimized code. 
  • Solidity is a contract-oriented language, meaning that programs are written as self-contained contracts that can interact with other contracts and the outside world. This makes it easy to create complex, decentralized applications.
  •  Solidity is a Turing-complete language, which means that it can be used to write any type of program. This makes it possible to write programs that are impossible to write in other languages.

What are Smart Contracts?

A smart contract, which is a computer protocol, can be used to facilitate, confirm, or enforce the negotiation or fulfillment of a contract. Nick Szabo first presented the idea of smart contracts in 1996. Smart contracts allow for valid transactions to take place without the intervention of third parties.

These transactions can be monitored and are final. Many different types of contractual agreements, according to smart contract proponents, can be made partially or completely self-executing, self-enforcing, or both. Smart contracts are made to reduce other contracting-related transaction costs and to provide security that is better than that offered by traditional contract law.

Writing Smart Contracts with Solidity

Here is a straightforward contract that allows you to get, increase, and decrease the count store.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Counter {
    uint public count;

    // Function to get the current count
    function get() public view returns (uint) {
        return count;

    // Function to increment count by 1
    function inc() public {
        count += 1;

    // Function to decrement count by 1
    function dec() public {
        // This function will fail if count = 0
        count -= 1;

Deploying your Smart Contract

There are many tools used to deploy the Ethereum smart contracts like a hardhat, truffle, remix Ide, etc. But we will use Remix IDE here.

Remix IDE is a powerful tool for developers to create and test smart contracts. It provides a user-friendly interface for writing and deploying smart contracts. Remix IDE also allows developers to test their contracts on a test network before deploying them on the main Ethereum network.

There are many advantages to using Remix IDE, including: 

1. Remix IDE is a powerful and user-friendly IDE that makes Solidity development easier and more fun. 

2. Remix IDE comes with a built-in Solidity compiler, so you can compile and deploy your contracts directly from the IDE. 

3. Remix IDE has a built-in debugger that lets you step through your code and inspect your contract’s state at each step. 

4. Remix IDE has a built-in test environment that lets you test your contracts before deploying them to the live blockchain. 

5. Remix IDE is free and open source!

There are a few disadvantages to using Remix IDE, such as: 

1. It can be difficult to find the right tools and libraries for your project. 

2. The learning curve can be steep, especially if you’re not familiar with the Ethereum platform. 

3. There is no one-click solution for deploying and testing smart contracts. You’ll need to use a separate tool, such as Truffle, to do this. 

4. Remix IDE is not as widely used as other IDEs, such as Visual Studio Code, so you may have trouble finding help and support if you run into problems.

The procedures for compiling, running, and debugging the smart contract are listed below.

Step 1: Open Remix IDE on any of your browsers, select the New File and click on Solidity to choose the environment.

Step 2: In the code section, enter the Smart contract, and then, to compile the contract, click the Compile button in the Compiler window.

Step 3: Click the Deploy button in the Deploy and Run Transactions window to run the code.

Step 4: After deploying the code click on the method called under the drop-down of deployed contracts to run the program, and for output, check to click on the drop-down on the console.

Step 5: Click the Debug button in the console that corresponds to the method call to begin debugging. Each function call and variable assignment can be verified here.



In this blog, we covered an introduction to smart contracts and discussed Solidity, the programming language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Additionally, we explored how to use the Remix IDE for writing, debugging, and deploying smart contracts.

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