How Mindbowser Helps Customer As A Certified AWS Partner?

AWS offers various services right from – Cloud computing, analytics, security, data storage, blockchain development, marketplace, etc.

Services Offered By AWS | Mindbowser

Mindbowser being an AWS Partner helps customers throughout the AWS adoption journey right from AWS cloud education to helping customers drive revenue using AWS services.

With the vast number of AWS services, customers sometimes have difficulty adopting these services on their own, even after working with AWS. This is where Mindbowser helps customers in selecting the best service as per the requirements.

While we help you to select the AWS product/service, here are a few common questions that we ask our customers:

  • Is this your first project?
  • What is your time frame?
  • How familiar are you with this AWS service?
  • What level of security do you need?

Before beginning to assess a customer for cloud adoption and walking through that process, we need to understand where they are in their cloud adoption journey.

Below are the set of steps that we would go through to deliver the best AWS service and pricing strategy as per the customer’s needs.

  1. Requirement Gathering
  2. Mapping requirements to AWS services
  3. Selecting the right size service choices
  4. Evaluating pricing models
  5. Using the AWS price calculator
  6. Delivering Estimates

1. Requirement Gathering

In this phase, we will set up an initial discussion with you/your team, understand your problem, current solutions, technology, and what you are trying to achieve. We’ll then document the initial requirements, access capacity and licensing, and if required set up another call with a few more follow-up questions. Based on the initial requirement gathering we will move onto the next phase.

2. Mapping requirements to AWS services

For eg – Say if a customer wants to quickly move a website to the AWS Cloud. We’ll map those requirements to services. In this example, the plan is to launch an EC2 instance, and then deploy the application and all of its components. Some of the services are straightforward, like compute, storage, database, network, content delivery, and security and identity.

3. Right-size service choices

Right-sizing is the process of matching instance types and sizes to workload performance and capacity requirements, at the lowest possible cost. We use the AWS Compute Optimizer to recommend optimal AWS compute resources for customer workloads. The AWS Compute Optimizer helps customers choose an optimal Amazon

EC2 instance type and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group based on their utilization data.

4. Evaluating pricing models

In addition to choosing the right-sized service, we help customers identify the best AWS pricing models and give companies all sizes flexibility.

For instance, the five pricing models for Amazon EC2 are On-Demand, Reserved, Spot, Dedicated, and Savings Plans.

  • On-Demand Instances let customers pay for computing capacity with no long-term commitments.
    Some instance types are by the hour, and others are by the second.
  • Reserved Instances give customers a number of pricing possibilities, including the option to make a low, one-time payment for each instance they want to reserve–and receive a significant discount on the hourly charge for that instance.
  • Spot Instances enable customers to bid for unused Amazon EC2 capacity. This is good for customers who have opportunistic workloads that can afford to be interrupted and want the lowest possible price.
  • Dedicated Instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run hardware dedicated to a single customer.
  • Savings Plans offers Asp to 72% savings in exchange for a commitment to a consistent amount of usage for a 1- or 3-year term.

5. Estimate with AWS pricing calculator

Using the AWS Pricing Calculator, we will estimate a customer’s monthly AWS service costs. The AWS pricing principles are based on pay-as-you-go pricing, volume-pricing discounts, Reserved Instance discounts, and Savings Plans.

6. Deliver an estimate

As with any project, the requirements, available resources, and timing can change. One of the primary benefits of AWS pricing is that AWS lowers prices frequently. Another benefit is that customers are not bound by long-term usage contracts, so they can easily adjust when their requirements change.

Finally, AWS constantly launches new services and features, which often saves customers money.



As a certified AWS partner, this blog outlines the roadmap for the cloud migration of a customer. In case you have any further questions or if you would like to discuss your needs, feel free to get in touch at

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