All About Mindbowser’s Workcation And What You Can Learn From It!

As Mindbowser completed 10 years this year, we planned a workcation to celebrate our milestone. It began with people hopping to bus stops, railway stations, and airports to reunite with colleagues after a long time. We traveled hundreds of miles to Goa- A beach town in Western India

We reached Goa on the 19th of May, our first day. Confused faces were trying to know each other. Working from home has always made us interact with each other in online meetings and stand-up calls. This time, we shook hands and recognized faces only visible on the zoom windows. 

We quickly made our check-ins and headed to our rooms to freshen up a little. Soon after, every department planned their work and meetings for the afternoon. But this time the meetings weren’t held as usual. Some meetings were discussed by the pool, whereas some work calls were attended by the beach with an amazing view. Normally the work calls would end on some coffee, but it’s Goa. It has to end with some beer and a fun night! 

The first day is always an ice-breaker. To get to know each other better and be more comfortable, there were games arranged in the evening by the HR team. The evening was a lot of fun, and the delicious dinner made it a good end of the night. This was all that our first day looked like, and we were all excited about what was coming next! 

The second day was filled with more excitement and new experiences. People chose their corners around the resort and made it their workstations. Got some hot coffee and sat with laptops charged and moods set for the long day. Now, what can go wrong? The network didn’t feel like the champ here!! 

Soon the struggles began. The speed of both work and mood got down. The pages took time to load, devices couldn’t connect to networks, and the work would be even slower if they got connected. But would this stop us??? Nah!!! 

vacation mb

The workstations got changed. People now started searching for corners with good networks, tables with the full speed internet, and empty rooms to attend the call and work meetings. We all learned a lesson here that if we are willing to do something, we can achieve everything. Have a positive spirit to face every challenge that comes your way. 

Everybody managed to complete their tasks successfully. The evening again was a lot of fun with games and puzzles. Everybody played games with great enthusiasm and energy. But there was a buzz going on this evening!! It was about the performance for the next day. 

For our annual party, everyone was asked to prepare some acts. The challenge here was to entertain the audience in just 3 mins. How was this going to turn out? Well, it’s Mindbowser’s talented employees. The performance has to be the most entertaining one.

The next morning began with a march on the beautiful Candolim beach. We clicked a lot of pictures and videos to keep memories with us.

Past breakfast, everybody got busy with their preparation for the evening. Groups were formed, songs were selected, and moves were practiced. The whole resort was filled with great energy and excitement.

Everybody dressed for the evening and gathered in the celebration’s conference hall. To our surprise, the event started with a random game planned by Ayush Jain, our CEO. The game was an interesting one named fishball. The game was about dares given to audiences, which were to be performed on the stage. This was indeed a great opening to the night. 

Soon the performances began, and everybody showcased their talents spontaneously. There were singing and dancing performances, mimics and stand-ups. Besides this, annual awards and recognition were given to the employees. 

Adding up to the night, Ayush Jain and Pravin Uttarwar shared their experience and learnings of these 10 years. Team leads and department heads also talked about their experience in Mindbowser. The room was filled with positive energy, which symbolized the success of 10 years. The night turned out to be a festivity, and everybody enjoyed it to the fullest. 

The workcation was a new experience for us. We have met so many new people and, of course, reunited with the old ones. This experiment was a great success and taught us a few things in general. They can be listed as above; 

  • Workcations do increase efficiency and happiness quotient in the team. 
  • It provides the perfect work environment. Workcations induce a change in our daily routines, which enhances productivity in employees. 
  • We observed that it could increase the mental well-being of the employees and bring positivity throughout. 
  • Online platforms have made our life simple by letting us connect to any corner of the world. But nothing can beat an in-person interaction and Q & A sessions, which opens the door to unfiltered conversations. 
  • Workcation teaches you one biggest lesson, and that is work-life balance. You must enjoy the moments but be mindful that your tasks are completed on time.
  • Excuses work nowhere, not even on workcations! 

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This blog is from Mindbowser‘s content team – a group of individuals coming together to create pieces that you may like. If you have feedback, please drop us a message on

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