Mindbowser Marks Its 10th Anniversary: Reflects On Its Success And Milestones

Pune, April 24, 2022-  Today marks the 10th anniversary of Mindbowser. In the first decade, Mindbowser has strengthened its position in the custom software industry, expanded its footprint and offered innovative and exceptional solutions to its clients. Today, we are proud to be a trusted partner for our clients and have worked together for several years. 

We have continued improving over the years and are thankful to have a wonderful team that has challenged the status quo. We would like to thank our clients and partners for their trust and confidence in us. The people at Mindbowser always consider themself to be a part of a community where bringing innovations has always been their mantra. Programs like Mindbowser Mileage (M2) have always been a proud element for us. 

Reflecting on 10 years of success, Ayush Jain, CEO of Mindbowser, said, “ We have always believed in leadership opportunities and flexibility in workflows. In these 10 years, we have grown with the most creative people around, which made this journey more valuable. With such experience, we continue to paint great success stories ahead.

Adding up, Pravin Uttarwar, CTO of Mindbowser, commented, “The journey of 10 years has taught me one thing, and that is there are no shortcuts. We have to start our inning from zero every day and be ready for new challenges. We have always believed in taking people out of their comfort zone and pushing them to take bold risks, which we are embracing and will keep doing. Our biggest milestone was hiring 100 people this year” 

With so much to celebrate, it only seemed right to go for a workcation with a 10th-anniversary party. Over 70 employees came out for a workcation in Goa. The employees traveled thousands of miles to Goa from their places. 

 Various awards were given out to top performers of the year. We recognized the top teams and individuals across different categories.


The 10th-anniversary celebration is over, but the celebrations continue. We are excited about the upcoming milestones and becoming the most innovative company in the industry. 

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