Choose The Best Tech Stack For Startups in 2024

Tech stacks are generally called the data ecosystem for storing and analyzing the technologies used to build a product. Tech stacks vary from web apps to mobile apps and from enterprises to startups. Besides this, factors like the launch time, and hiring a dedicated staff also affect the tech stacks.

Tech stacks are a combination of two software development aspects namely the frontend, and the backend. The frontend is the real ecosystem where your users will interact, while the backend consists of the server, the web app, the web server, the database, and the programming language. So, if you are looking to select the best tech stack for startups, then you must know the factors that should impact your decision and help you make the right decision.

What Should Your Decision be Based on?

There are various types of tech stacks easily available for web developers. But it would help if you considered the below factors for selecting the best match for your projects.

Factors to choose best tech stack for your startup | Mindbowser

Fig: Factors to choose the right tech stack for your startup

1. Type of Project

The variety of projects is the most critical aspect of choosing the best tech stack for startups. If you have a small project, then you can go with standard content management systems like WordPress. For an average project, you can consider combining CMS with suitable programming languages like JS, C++, Python, and others. while complex projects need web apps with specially designed functions. Giant e-commerce platforms need specially designed web technologies for their complex projects.

2. Your Team’s Know-How

Your developers’ expertise is also a crucial factor to consider while selecting the best tech stack for your startup. Your developer’s knowledge will be vital as he may trudge issues while producing codes. Your developer has to be very experienced as you need to run a project and meet the deadline. Choose a tech stack that is based on a vast community and proper documentation.

3. Time to Market

For launching a product, you need a lot of planning for the development, and delivering the project on time is challenging. The time to market heavily depends on the technology stack that you select for your web app. You can consider the RoR stack with impressive open-source libraries called gems. You can also find third-party solutions for seamless integration of functions in the project. Besides, your developer’s expertise is also significant for your time to market. An experienced developer will help you to release your product on time and bug-free.

4. Scalability

It refers to the ability of web apps to handle the work. Your web app must be developed to control the growth spurt with the increase in app users. The tech stack should be able to accommodate the future growth of the app. The dimensions of the growth could be vertical as well as horizontal.

5. Maintenance

The maintenance of the web app depends on the codebase and underlying software architecture. For maintenance, it is essential to choose a programming language that uses short and reusable codes. Besides, the software architecture supports the probability, reusability, and scalability of the app which influences the configuration of the dynamic and static components.

6. Availability of Talent

Many technologies are hot but finding a good developer in that technology is hard- Why? Because in-demand developers are already taken. For an industry that is already plagued with a shortage in supply, developers on the hotter side of the spectrum are further hard to find. This is currently true for Python, React Native, and Node developers. Before that, it was for GoLang, and even before that – at the start of the decade for Ruby. Ruby and Golang also show what happens when technology wanes down. There is just no new talent entering the market, and that makes the price for a good developer even higher. When planning your tech stack go for the stack for which talent is available today as well as in the future.

Benefits of Choosing the Right Tech Stack for Your Startup

  • Easier to develop and build your product without much of a hassle.
  • Choosing the best full tech stack can not only help you in development but also make your app up and running during the initial stages of development.
  • Finding the right tech stack and sticking to it can also make it easy for you to get developers for your app. It is also beneficial for the future as it allows your app to add more features as the trend evolves.
  • Choosing a good stack also helps the developers. Since a good tech stack can be easy to use, it can help you in getting a clean code with fewer bugs which makes your apps better and runs smoother for the users.
  • Choosing the right tech stack also makes the lives of the developers easier which in turn helps them in producing the right software that satisfies your customers.
  • Many modern tech stacks prioritize security, offering built-in features and libraries to safeguard your app against vulnerabilities and data breaches. This builds trust with your users and protects your business.

Drawbacks of Choosing the Wrong Tech Stack for Your Startup

  • Choosing a tech stack that is not popular or rarely used by developers can lead to difficulty in finding good developers for your software.
  • Hiring developers can become difficult and also expensive as not all the developers might know about the tech stack that you have chosen.
  • Fixing bugs can become a hassle that can hamper the overall user experience.
  • Scalability can also become an issue as not all tech stacks have the ability to change with the system processing demands.
  • Using outdated or insecure technologies exposes your app to vulnerabilities and potential data breaches, compromising user privacy and putting your business at risk.

Options Available for Tech Stacks

The following are the most popular tech stacks amongst the worldwide developer community. You can check out each of them and select which stack works well for your project.

1. Python

Python is an interpreted, high-end, general-purpose programming language. It significantly reduces the need for coding. It also has very high utility due to its use of third-party modules. The extensibility of Python enables developers to write code in languages such as C++ and C#.

Advantages of Python:

  • It has third-party modules
  • Extensive support libraries
  • User-friendly data structures
  • High productivity and speed
  • Easy to learn

2. Java

Java is an object-oriented, platform-independent programming language designed to have negligible implementation reliance. It is extremely powerful, secure, and has cross-stage capabilities. In recent years, it has become the most preferred language in developer communities. It also supports multi-threading, which allows programs to run multiple applications simultaneously.

Advantages of Java:

  • It is platform-independent
  • Object-oriented language
  • Easy to learn
  • Multi-threading allows maximum CPU utilization
  • Allows developers to develop virus-free systems

3. LAMP Stack

It is one of the earliest stacks to gather huge popularity based on open-source software components. The main aspects of LAMP are The Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, Linux, and the PHP programming language. It is the most conventional stack model in the world and is interchangeable with Python and Perl.

Variations of LAMP include:

  • LAPP (Linux/Apache/PostgreSQL/PHP)
  • XAMPP (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP, Perl)
  • WAMP (Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP)
  • MAMP (Mac OS X/Apache/MySQL/PHP)

Disadvantages of LAMP stack:

  • Does not run many Windows programs
  • Performance problems when under stress
  • Not as fast as its counterparts
  • Fewer features than other applications
  • Difficult for developers to learn

4. RoR Stack

The Ruby on Rails stack simplifies quick app development due to its rich repository of gems and library integrations. The framework is highly scalable, and it follows the ActiveRecord pattern, which is compatible with MySQL. It helps the developers to abstract away the lower-level database commands so that you can write codes in ActiveRecord Syntax, and hire for developers for speedy ROR stack development.

Tools and framework used in ROR stack:

  • jQuery
  • CoffeeScript
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Middleware
  • Node.js
  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • JVM

5. .Net Stack

.Net technology is one of the best frontend frameworks that enables developers to create a feature-rich and bug-free framework for dynamic and interactive web apps. It is a subset of overflow stack, which is a comprehensive tech stack covering all aspects of web frontend, .Net developers, and database.

Hero features of .Net tech stack:

  • Language independence
  • Interoperability
  • Security
  • Speed
  • Portability

Disadvantages of .Net stack:

  • It only comes with Entity Framework
  • Does not have multi-platform support from Microsoft
  • It’s not accessible straight after implementing Visual Studio
  • Migration of applications from .Net is expensive
  • Managing code can be slower than native code

Out of these technology stacks for mobile app development, some offer much better features than others. In Python, the ease of use and extensive libraries increase the developer’s productivity more than any other language. It is also the best choice for AI and ML-based development. Java has a remarkable identifier that identifies bytecode and confirms it before runtime. Since it follows LIFO (Last in First Out), it offers maximum flexibility to store and recover information. These features make Java and Python the best technology stacks available in the market.

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Technology Stack for Mobile App Development

Different frameworks are used for development in iOS and Android.

Android Uses:

Kotlin – This programming language was specifically developed to work with Java. Google supports Kotlin for Android development and offers it as an alternative to the Java compiler in Android Studio. Kotlin reduces the time required for programming in app development.

iOS Uses:

Objective-C – A programming language that has phenomenal development experience and many available libraries. It is also compatible with other programming technologies.
Swift – This a framework introduced by Apple. Developers have said that it is easy to work with and learn. It also has better performance than Objective-C. Currently, it is the best alternative to Objective-C and might even replace it in the future.

Why is MEAN Stack with AWS Recommended?

MEAN stack is open-source. It is free JavaScript software, and developers use this stack for building dynamic web apps and mobile apps. The basic components of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular JS, and Node.js.

As most of the support programs are coded in JavaScript, the MEAN stack makes it easier for the developers to code the web apps for both the backend and the frontend development, and that too in language uniformity. With MEAN stack, the frontend developers can also easily understand the code of the server side.

It supports the MVC pattern, and it is also mobile-friendly due to Angular JS. It is flexible, and it’s NoSQL, and Node.js’s JS module library make it the most probable solution for building a scalable and agile app. The developers can easily switch between document-based NoSQL to SQL with flexibility in structuring the data.



Selecting the best tech stack for startups is based on two things, the project and the developer. It would help if you did a thorough research about your project’s requirements, its type and its launch. Besides, you also need to consult with your team of developers to know their expertise to handle the work. The right tech stack is the key to the overall success of your projects and thus, your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of choosing the right tech stack?
  • Faster development and time to market
  • Enhanced agility and scalability
  • Reduced costs and improved maintenance
  • Better security and user experience
  • Easier to find and attract developers
What are the drawbacks of choosing the wrong tech stack?
  • Development delays and increased costs
  • Performance and scalability issues
  • Security vulnerabilities and maintenance challenges
  • Talent acquisition and team morale issues
Where can I find more information about choosing a tech stack?
  • Online resources like blogs, articles, and tutorials
  • Tech communities and forums
  • Development consultancies and software development companies

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