Effortlessly Incorporate PayPal into your Django Web Application

In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of creating a PayPal Sandbox account to facilitate seamless integration. Whether you’re sending or receiving payments, understanding the fundamentals is crucial. From generating access tokens for API usage to creating subscriptions and product details, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also delve into Django project setup, view creation, and PayPal form integration. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to make PayPal work harmoniously with your Django web app. Let’s dive in!”

Creating Sandbox Account

Will start with the Developer account so please create an account on PayPal as choose your personal account and filled all the necessary fields once you are done with all details go to the dashboard you can see like this

PayPal integration in Django

We will need two accounts for PayPal one account for sending money and one account for receiving money so please create account once you create you can see the account details below 

Creation of sandbox account.png

Now next we have to create an app for our REST API so from the side navbar just click My Apps & credential and create app when you create app select the business account email id with it as we created the previous one. Once you create an app you can see details like client ID, secret ID, email etc.


Once you received these details make sure that you will store or save Client ID and Client Secret these details as we need in future process

🔹 Authorization generate token for access apis

Autherization Generation Token

Using that access token you can access other apis
🔹 Subscription


🔹 Product details from ID

Product details

🔹 Create plan 🗒

Create Plan

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🔹 Plan in details with ID 📝

Plan in Detail

🔹 Subscription created

Subscription Created

Create a project in Django. In our case we have created paypal-django then do basic setup which is required for Django setup like install env, requirement.txt , create app etc.

🔹 Edit settings.py and add paypal.standard.ipn to your INSTALLED_APPS:

Edit settings

🔹 For installations on which you want to use the Sandbox, set PAYPAL_TEST to True.

Installation in sandbox

🔹 Now update the database make necessary changes in .env file and update

 updates the Database1

updates the Database 2

🔹 We also going add the url for use the paypal IPIN and also include url for our integration views with the same

Updates 3

🔹 Next we are going to build our views with paypalForm and one html file

updates 4

🔹 After this run the server and check if some error is coming like below

no reverse match

🔹 Add paypal return and cancel function and make changes in paypal form dict as per required

PayPal form

🔹 And once run successfully with required changes you can see on web

Buy Now

Then go to the paypal developer dashboard and get business account details make sure you remember the business account password if not please change to new when you view account details and add receiver email as business account email in settings.

PayPal test

🔹 Run the application and click on buy button you will see the following screen

Pay with PayPal

🔹 Then login with your personal account email address and password from sandbox account as we already setup

Cancel and return

🔹 You can see in the following there is cancel and return url from where we can redirect to home page


You can see here the amount the email address the different payment options from where we can pay
The amount we set $13 from our code for payment we can change this later as per our requirements
For completion of payment just click on the complete Purchase and check


🔹 After completing the payment ✅

Thanks for payment

Payment confirmation

🔹 Now create the django superuser and you can see details there for transition so let’s create virtual server url using ngrok and create new payment using that url and check admin site

PayPal IPN



Integrating PayPal into Django enhances payment functionality, offering a secure and seamless experience for users. Django’s flexibility simplifies implementation, with packages like Django-paypal available. PayPal’s extensive documentation and trusted infrastructure make the integration straightforward and reliable.

Effortlessly incorporating PayPal into your Django web application involves understanding PayPal’s APIs, installing and configuring the PayPal SDK, implementing payment views and templates, handling payment notifications, testing and securing the implementation, and customizing the user experience. By following these steps, you can enable secure and convenient online payment processing for your users, making it easier for them to make payments within your web application.

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