A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Successful Mobile Application

In the modern world, mobile applications for your company, brand, products, or services are an innovative and common channel to reach a large audience.
According to emarketer around 88% of the mobile time is spent on mobile apps. 

But beginning on the journey of creating an ideal application is not so easy, before building a mobile app for your brand you’ll have to ponder upon some very important questions like what do you wish to accomplish through mobile application? Why do you think your application will be unique for its users? And finally, why are you even creating your application? Is it because of ever-changing trends that other entrepreneurs are following or because there is really an issue that you’d like your mobile app to resolve? Answer the questions mentioned above, and these will be the deciding factor whether your app will be successful or not. 

To give you a kick start into the process here is a guide that is subjective to your purpose. This guide is created out of the wisdom I collected in numerous years of my working experience with entrepreneurs. Where I have assisted them in building and constructing a market for their application. Follow through this guide to the hilt or take whatever suits your strategy, but the essential thing is to take the first step. 

Below mentioned are ten stages to help you create a useful mobile app for your brand.

: Envision your application

If you already have a goal for your mobile application in mind, move onto stage two, but if not then read this forward.  However, if you haven’t yet decided on the end goad or service that your mobile application would provide, research. Look around, there are several Ideas yet to be invented!

Most avant-garde companies that have invented excellent mobile apps have one thing in common, —they tend to provide services and tackle issues that ordinary people overlook. Hence, when you look at a successful app, try to observe the root cause they tend to deal with. And hopefully, you’ll land on the issue you’d like to help with through your application.

Remember that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith in your idea and then fasten your seatbelts to move on to the next step. 

Prepare yourself to jump on to the next level with the idea. Begin the first step, which is planning and researching extensively.  

Stage 2
Fact Check

Consider your idea factually. A statistically backed and endorsed idea helps in creating an application that will show growth in real-time. Before acquiring the resources to create the app, review and utilize the  Google Keyword Planner device to search for the number of individuals searching out for the service you plan on providing through your application and make sure you’re on the right track with whatever it is you’re attempting to do. Furthermore, you can fashion a greeting page that extensively features your application’s idea for any potential client that may show interest by exchanging information via email.

Stage 3
: Mapping

Outline a map or pattern of highlights and streams concerning different ideas for your application. The approval of your app idea/thought or issue implies that your app has the thing people require. This is the perfect opportunity to intricately layout the details of your idea into an archive, or in an event that you need to go the additional mile, utilize a wireframing device.

While penning down your thoughts, be particular about the intricate details concerning the layout, hosting partner, and other expectations, subsume the information of how the user will navigate and explore through the application as the highlights have been imagined. This will assist your engineer/developer with an unmistakable and clear understanding of your ideas and assumptions. 

Stage 4:

Eliminate highlights that are not user-centric. Start removing highlights and streams from your record that you now think are not so important in the description. State just the most fundamental and important belief of your application thought. Try not to fabricate highlights in the main form that are “ideal to have ” and can generally be added as an update over time. This is an intelligent way to keep down the underlying improvement expenses and help you reach the market much faster. 

Stage 5
: Rendezvous

First, put together a plan. There are various business visionaries whom we have heard passing statements about how they are in need of an exceptionally fundamental program and need to zero in on manufacturing their mobile applications. These people are mostly off-track. Configuration does not just mean how the application you are going to build will look. Instead, it is about the user-end interface, and how the client will eventually perceive the mobile application. 

Vinod Khosla from the Khosla Ventures best clarifies it: “Plan is a method of making innovation helpful.” So searching for a designer who puts the plan (client experience and illustrations) first can help structure the whole use case.

Stage 6Get developers on-board

Hire a creator/engineer. Look for an advancement organization that has an extraordinary planning ability and a substantial improvement group. Before employing a designer, go online and review to beware of their validity and then if possible try out a few applications that they have made, on the off chance, that the application made out of your portfolio is something that you liked. The rare possibility is that they are the correct ones for your item.

Stage 7
: Accountability 

Create engineer accounts. It would help if you enrolled for a designer account with the individual application stores to have the option to sell your application through their foundation. You have the discretion of either signing up as an organization or an individual on the odds that you, for now, are under one singular frame. 

Stage 8
Profound Investigation

Integrate investigation. The examination helps you track downloads, client commitment, and maintenance for your versatile application. Ensure you use credible services/tools, for example, Flurry, which is accessible for nothing, and Localytics, which has a free and paid form to keep with analytics.

Stage 9
: Focus on Feedbacks

Get an ad-lib and rapid input. The time your application goes live on the application store, the previous set of clients’ employment and action will give you reasoning into how to improve and upgrade your application. Improvements and changes are consistent, so watch out for client input and continue to fabricate. 

Stage 10
: Evermore Enhancements

Introduce highlights. You can keep upgrading and further enhance the application at any given time. When users engage with the application and give feedback it is an ideal opportunity to assess and present the leftover highlights that were forgotten about in the underlying adaptation. You will know through examination and input whether the highlights are essential any longer. 

These means are not sacred, but instead a rule to build your application. When you’re prepared to begin, you should likewise realize that building a versatile application is the most effortless part. Getting to your target user base with grace is the place where the test lies.



We hope you found the blog useful to get your answer to your question – how to create an app. If your beans business app has just launched and is planning to get launched, let’s figure out where your pathway or stages where your business app stands in this mobile app development process guide and make sure you don’t miss out on making the best out of it.

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How long does it take to build a mobile app?

If you’re using the Lean Startup method and releasing a minimum viable product to market, you can expect your app to be delivered efficiently and effectively within 4-6 months. You can learn more about our set-by-step app development process for delivering mobile apps on time and budget.

How much does a Mobile application cost?

A simple app may take less than 500 hours of work and may be budgeted in the range of 10K-30K USD. A mid complexity app takes nearly 1000 to 3000 hours to build such a mobile app, and the pricing starts at $30,000. The estimated time frame for developing complex mobile applications is 3000+ man-hours, and the approx price starts at $80,000.

Will you assist me in the app submission process?

Yes of course! Our mobile app development team will take care of uploading your application on the App Store as an app development process.

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Outsourcing your software project is one of the most convenient & best options to deliver the desired result when executed in the right strategic direction. We are a software development company that guarantees the successful delivery of your project.

What are the things to consider when outsourcing a programmer?

Many companies do not outsource because they feel foreboding, not because they have failed but just because they really do not know the process- it seems uncertain and complex.

If you are planning or looking for a good & reliable technology partner then look no further. We bring the best outsourcing model & skills that perfectly match our client’s requirements. Read our blog to never let your outsourcing fail.

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