Hiring Team Vs Individual

We find it tough to convince people, why they should hire a team for their product than a freelancer. Obviously, there is no simple and perfect answer to the question “Who is better?”, and the final decision usually depends on the project’s specifics. That’s why we have decided to list the statistics of both options. So let’s explore team vs individual work, which is the best.

(Our apprehensions are purely based on our own experience and philosophy of doing business.)

What Matters Most To People?

1. Price

For some people, price alone is often the number one reason behind the decision on whom to hire. However, it is important to consider several other factors before hiring. Like quality, response time, and reliability may actually be more important than costs, especially when time is limited and competition is stiff.

2. Quality

Ideally, quality should be the most important factor in decision making. The delivery quality of a team will be higher in most cases. Though it is imperative that freelancers do not give the required quality but when a team is involved, the brainstorm result of ideas prove to be more flexible and out of the box than expected of a single individual.

Moreover, teams usually include people who are responsible for quality control. They can always double-check what developers have done and notice what is missing from a fresh perspective. This concludes, if you are wanting a quality product, the team should be your first preference.

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3. Reliability

Since many freelancers do not work full-time and don’t have additional personnel to rely on, a project could take longer than determined. In a team, multiple people can be assigned to your project in order to meet even the most challenging deadline.

4. Response Time

Considering that freelancing is often a source of supplemental income, your project may fall to the bottom of a freelancer’s priority list, taking in more response time and over riding your deadlines whereas teams keep track of time keeping the deadline in mind.

All being said, a brighter side of hiring a freelancer can be that the freelancer’s skill and expertise can get the company hire him as full time employee.

Check Out The Infographic Below For A Quick Comparison.

Although there are numerous points, which we have described in the infographic above ”Team vs Individual”, yet we do not claim that all the above-mentioned points work for every single freelancer or team, but we believe them to be essential and credible.

Hope this article has made you think about things other than just the price factor. If you want to end up with a product that represents your business in the best way possible, choose wisely and precisely.

P.S: Hiring a team is like hiring skilled individuals together.

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This blog is from Mindbowser‘s content team – a group of individuals coming together to create pieces that you may like. If you have feedback, please drop us a message on contact@mindbowser.com

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