React Native App: A Guide to Managing Location Permissions

In today’s mobile-driven world, location-based services have become integral to enhancing user experiences across various applications. React Native, with its ability to develop robust cross-platform applications, empowers developers to harness device location effectively. Let’s explore how a well-structured utility file can streamline location-related tasks, from obtaining permissions to fetching geolocation data and processing it for meaningful insights.

🔷Managing Location Permissions

The first step in utilizing device location involves requesting and managing permissions. The utility functions requestLocationPermissionAndroid and requestLocationPermissionIos demonstrate platform-specific approaches to handling location permissions on Android and iOS, respectively.

Android Permission Handling

This function, requestLocationPermissionAndroid, is an asynchronous utility for requesting location permissions on Android devices. It prompts the user for access to fine location services using a customizable permission dialog. The function checks if the permission request was granted, or denied, or if the user selected “never ask again” (indicating the permission is permanently blocked).

Based on the result, it returns an object containing the success status, error status, and whether the permission is blocked. If an error occurs during the permission request process, it catches the error and returns a failure response.

iOS Permission Handling

The requestLocationPermissionIos function is an asynchronous function that requests location permissions on iOS devices. It uses the Geolocation.requestAuthorization method to ask for permission to access location data when the app is in use. The function determines whether the permission was granted and, if not, triggers an alert to inform the user.

The function returns an object indicating whether the permission request was successful and whether an error occurred. If any exception occurs during the process, it catches the error and returns a failure response.

🔷Fetching Geolocation Data

Once permissions are granted, fetching the device’s current position becomes crucial. The fetchLocation function demonstrates how to retrieve the current geo-position using react-native-geolocation-service.

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🔷Geocoding and Address Resolution

Beyond obtaining coordinates, applications often require converting these coordinates into meaningful addresses. The utility functions getGeoCoderValues and getAddressFromCoords demonstrate how to integrate react-native-geocoding for geocoding tasks.

Geocoding Coordinates

Fetching Address from Coordinates

This function takes a geocoder response, extracts relevant address components (city, state, country) from it, and returns them in an object. It handles cases where no results are found or if there are errors during processing, ensuring robustness and error logging.

The getAddressFromCoords function is an asynchronous utility that extracts and returns the city, state, and country from a geocoding response. It checks if the response contains results, and if so, it processes the address components of the first result to identify and extract the relevant geographical information based on specific component types (locality for city, administrative_area_level_1 for state, and country for country).

If no results are found or an error occurs, the function returns an object with empty strings for each field, ensuring the application can gracefully handle cases where address information is unavailable.



Integrating robust location utilities into React Native applications empowers developers to create sophisticated, location-aware features. From enhancing user engagement with personalized content to optimizing operational efficiencies through geolocation-based services, the ability to harness device location is indeed a game-changer in mobile development.

By adopting these best practices and leveraging the provided utility functions, developers like Shrinath Himane can ensure their applications deliver seamless and impactful experiences in today’s competitive app landscape.

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