Exploring Django Debugger for Efficient Debugging and Troubleshooting

Effective debugging is the cornerstone of successful software development. In this blog, we’ll explore a game-changing tool in the Django ecosystem: Django-debug-toolbar. This powerful package is designed to empower developers with comprehensive insights into their code’s performance, making the debugging process not just efficient but downright enlightening.

As we delve into the world of Django-debug-toolbar, we’ll guide you through the installation, configuration, and practical use of this indispensable tool. You’ll discover how it can reveal crucial information about your Django application’s inner workings, from database queries to API call times.


For Debugger, we are going to use Django-debug-toolbar, This package will show you all the data you need to know about your code, which is given below:

  • All the DB queries are executed in your API call.
  • All the time took to execute your API call.

Each of the following steps needs to be configured for the Debug Toolbar to be fully functional.

  • Install the Package

The recommended way to install the Debug Toolbar is via pip:

python -m pip install django-debug-toolbar

If you aren’t familiar with pip, you may also obtain a copy of the debug_toolbar directory and add it to your Python path.
To test an upcoming release, you can install the in-development version instead with the following command:

python -m pip install -e https://github.com/Ronakjain515/django-debugger-toolbar-demo
  • Check for Prerequisites

The Debug Toolbar requires two things from core Django. These are already configured in Django’s default startproject template, so in most cases, you will already have these setups.
First, ensure that ‘django.contrib.staticfiles’ is in your INSTALLED_APPS setting, and configured properly:

# ...
# ...

STATIC_URL = "static/"

Second, ensure that your TEMPLATES setting contains a DjangoTemplates backend whose APP_DIRS options is set to true:

"BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
"APP_DIRS": True,
# ...
  • Install the App

Add “debug_toolbar” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

# ...
# ...
  • Add the URLs

Add django-debug-toolbar’s URLs to your project’s URLconf:

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('__debug__/', include('debug_toolbar.urls')),

This example uses the __debug__ prefix, but you can use any prefix that doesn’t clash with your application’s URLs.

  • Add the Middleware

The Debug Toolbar is mostly implemented in a middleware. Add it to your MIDDLEWARE setting:

# ...
# ...
  • Configure Internal IPs

The Debug Toolbar is shown only if your IP address is listed in Django’s INTERNAL_IPS setting. This means that for local development, you must add “” to INTERNAL_IPS. You’ll need to create this setting if it doesn’t already exist in your settings module:

# ...
# ...

Here is an example image that is showing the history of API calls and the tab on right-hand side is showing all the features you can access using this toolbar.

history of django debugger



The Django Debugger is a valuable tool for web developers working with Django. It helps identify and fix issues during development with features like interactive traceback and local variable inspection. The debugger allows for quick pinpointing and resolution of errors. Overall, the Django Debugger greatly enhances the debugging process and aids in building reliable applications.

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