Mastering Angular: Understanding Model, Class, Interface

The ideas of Model, Class, and Interface are essential when using Angular to build dependable and maintainable applications. We’ll go into each of these ideas in detail in this blog, highlighting their importance with definitions and examples.


An application’s data structure and business logic are represented by an Angular model. It contains all of the attributes and operations associated with a particular thing or idea. Data is managed and organized using models, which facilitates manipulation and interaction across various application components.


Consider a basic model for a ‘User’ entity:

The User model in this example specifies a user’s structure, including attributes like email, username, and id. When a new user instance is created, these properties can also be initialized using its constructor.



A class is a blueprint used in object-oriented programming to create objects. It outlines the characteristics and functions that class objects will possess. Classes are frequently used in Angular to represent models, services, components, and other application building blocks.


Expanding upon the preceding illustration, the User model is executed as a class:

The User class now has a method (getFullName()) to obtain the user’s full name in addition to properties. This illustrates how behavior and data can be combined into a single class.



An Angular interface is a contract that specifies the structure of an object. It defines the properties and their types but does not provide an implementation. Interfaces are used to enforce a specific shape of an object, promote code consistency, and ensure adherence to predefined structures.


Let’s design the “User” model’s interface:

Here, the user interface describes the desired characteristics of a user without specifying how those characteristics should be carried out. Interfaces come in particularly handy when several classes or components must follow the same structure.


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Examples of Scenarios and Use Cases

Scenario 1: Representing Data with a Model

Let’s say you have a component that shows user data. The User model is a useful tool for managing and representing user data.


Scenario 2: Adding Extra Behaviour to a Class

Let’s say you wish to add a method to create a user avatar URL to the User class extension.

At this point, ExtendedUser adds new behavior and inherits properties from the User class


Scenario 3: Using an Interface to Enforce a Structure

Think about a service that retrieves user information from an API. To make sure the received data follows the anticipated structure, you can use the user interface.


The retrieved user data in this example complies with the User interface because the getUser method returns an observable of type User.



In conclusion, developing scalable and maintainable applications in Angular requires a solid understanding of the notions of Model, Class, and Interface. Classes offer instructions for creating objects, interfaces enforce structured contracts, and models encapsulate data and behavior. Appropriately applying these ideas improves code organization, encourages consistency, and makes it easier for developers working on different areas of the application to collaborate.

These ideas are the cornerstone of efficient Angular development, whether you’re extending functionality, enforcing contracts, or representing entities.

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