Learn How To Integrate RazorPay Payment Gateway In React Native?

In this blog, we will build a React Native application to accept payments from users by integrating Razorpay in our application. Founded in 2014, Razorpay is a popular payment gateway among developers, especially in India. Razorpay Payment Gateway is a system designed to handle end-to-end payments.

It is an online payment system that can access all your credit, debit cards, UPI, and popular mobile wallets. It makes nuisance-free payments in India for others. In this payment system, different banks and wallets get connected to it to make payments easier for everyone.

If you’d like to learn more about Razorpay, read this blog post.

Creating a Razorpay Account

Head to the Razorpay website and create an account. You can reach the signup page from here.

RazorPay Payment Gateway Login | MindBowser

Once you’ve signed up with all the necessary information, you’ll see the dashboard.

RazorPay Payment Gateway Dashboard | Mindbowser

In the Settings tab, you’ll see a section called API keys. Enter that section and click on the Generate Test Key button.

RazorPay Settings | Mindbowser

Then click the generate button to generate Key Id and Key Secret for further use.

The website will display a modal with the Test API Key and a Secret Key. We’ll need the keys in our app and our server.

Test API Key | Mindbowser

Installing Dependencies

Install the following libraries in your react native app

-> npm install --save react-native-razorpay


-> yarn add react-native-razorpay

After installing the packages, for iOS, go into your ios/ directory, and run: pod install.

For iOS

After the package is installed, cd into ios/ and run:

cd ios && pod install

Now, open Podfile to change the platform version from 9.0 to 10.0 in the Podfile.

To open Podfile, run

$ open podfile

For Android

We need to import the native package into


import com.razorpay.rn.RazorpayPackage;

NOTE: If you are using React Native version >=0.60, you should skip the step below. This is because versions greater than 0.60 have auto-linking.

Add new RazorpayPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method.

Adding razorpay package

Append the following lines to the settings.gradle file.

Adding razorpay package

Add the following lines in the dependencies section of your app/build.gradle file.

implementation project(':react-native-razorpay')

Let’s start with the implementation

Import  React from react and other fundamental components from  React Native for building a user interface (like Button, StyleSheet, Alert, View, etc). Also import RazorpayCheckout from react-native-razorpay, which was installed on our project before.

implementation with react native

Then we have to make a payNow button which going for initiate our transaction 

razorpay implementation with react

Here are the options which we can get from backed and that option put on there to initiate our payment.

razorpay implementation with react

Now, let’s call the RazorpayCheckout.open method and pass the options to it.

In the options, we need to pass the API Key, the Order ID, product details, and the UI’s theme color. We can also pass user information to prefill the form.

NOTE: Your API Key means Key Id not Key Secret .

 we need to call the RazorpayCheckout.open method with the payment options. This method returns a JS Promise.

This opens the checkout form for the transaction with all the available payment methods.

razorpay mobile screenshot

When you are working on test mode, you’ll see an additional screen that’ll let you simulate a successful and failed transaction.

razorpay app screenshot

Here is the full Example

Example of razorpay in react native

After calling the RazorpayCheckout method, it returns a promise. In case of success, the result can be consumed in the “then” block.

Sample success response

sample success response

Payments Log

You can check the received payments in the Razorpay dashboard.

Razorpay dashboard



In this blog, we saw in detail the implementation and integration of the Razorpay payment gateway in React Native and how to use it for your Application for a better payment solution. 

Satyabrata D

Software Engineer

Satyabrata is a React Native developer with around 2.8+ years of experience in developing mobile applications. Skills like developing clean and reusable code, creating responsive mobile pages, API integration etc. 

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