Social media login using Angular

As a developer, we are always looking for ways to reduce complexity in user experience. Customers expect a smooth experience while buying things and exactly zero unnecessary steps. Various sites like membership and e-commerce sites require the creation of user accounts because user accounts are helpful to engage customers and simplify the buying process. But creating an account sometimes takes a lot of customers’ time and effort.  

For this reason, Social media login is a useful feature on our site. Social login allows a user to create and sign in to an account on our website using credentials from their social media account, like a Facebook or Google account. This way, users don’t need to make an entirely new account just for our site. Below you’ll find some easy steps with details for how to provide social media login features on our website.

  1. Setup for getting OAuth client ID for google login
  2. Setup for getting OAuth client ID for Facebook login
  3. Installing the required package in Angular project for social login 
  4. Configure installed package in the module
  5. Configuration of Sign In With Facebook and Sign In With Google Button
  6. Run and test Angular application

1. Setup for getting OAuth client ID for google login: 

The first thing we need for google login is to get credentials.

Go to Google API Console. Click on credentials

Click on create Credentials and Choose OAuth client ID

Select the web application and enter your project URL and click on the Create button. Here you can add multiple URLs.

It will create a client ID and secret key. We will use this client ID in our project.

2. Setup for getting OAuth client ID for Facebook login:

Go to the Facebook developer page and create a new App,

Click on the setup button of the Facebook login

A select platform of the app

Enter site URL and click on the save button

Now go to settings, here you will get an app ID and secret key. We will use this app ID in our project.

3. Installing the required package in the Angular project :

For social media login, we have to install a package. There are various packages available for Angular projects. Here we are using the  ‘Angularx-social-login’ package. To install the package, open a terminal and use the following command

4. Configure installed package in module:

Import SocialLoginModule in app.module.ts file and provide created client id in providers.

5. Configuration in ts file for sign in with Facebook and google buttons:

Create functions for authenticated social login and call that functions on button click in HTML code. You receive a SocialUSer object when the user logs in and a null when the user logs out. SocialUSer object contains basic user information such as name, email, photo URL, etc. along with the auth_token. You can communicate the auth_token to your server to authenticate the user on the server and make API calls from the server.

6. Run and test Angular application :



Social media login helps us to register faster on sites with fewer efforts. With multiple accounts, it is difficult to remember all account’s login details. When we use social media then it’s not necessary to remember login details. Various sites use our information to personalize our experience. In this case, social media login information helps them for personalization.

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